Welcome to Nirnstorm.com‘s Magicka Templar ( Magplar ) PvP Build for the Blackwood patch.
This patch multiple healing abilities of the of Magicka Templar gained a new Health-scaling mechanic. This build utilizes those healing abilities alongside Vampirism’s Undeath passive that got fixed this patch and a solid combination of sets to gain a very powerful burst while maintaining a ton of healing power and tankiness.
If you’re looking for a very strong build that has a lot of damage, but still enables you to survive very easily in difficult scenarios and even massively outnumbered fights in PvP, you’ve come to the right place!
The optimal race for this build is Breton. This race helps you sustain magicka skills better than any, and increases your spell resistance and your magicka pool as well. It’s especially important since this build is meant to be played as a Vampire which makes sustain more difficult.
Other good alternatives for races would be Dark Elf, Argonian and High Elf.
The mundus stone we are using on this build is The Atronach, which grants us additional Magicka Recovery which will further help us sustain despite playing as a vampire.
We play as a Stage Three vampire on this build, as we want to benefit from Mist Form which helps us kite enemies and mitigate a lot of damage as well as the Undeath passive which provides additional damage mitigation at all times.
Lightning Staff of Hist Sap
One Handed & Shield of Clever Alchemist
Aedric Spear Templar
All Passives
Dawn’s Wrath Templar
All Passives
Restoring Light Templar
All Passives
Light Armor Armor
All Passives
Medium Armor Armor
All Passives
Heavy Armor Armor
All Passives
Destruction Staff Weapons
All Passives
One Handed & Shield Weapons
All Passives
Vampire World
Unlock only the passives that work with your preferred stage of Vampirism.
The recommended stage for this build is Stage Three, for which you need to unlock only Strike from the Shadows and Undeath
Undaunted Guilds
All Passives
Assault Alliance War
All Passives
Racial Character
All Passives
Alchemy Crafting
Unlock only Medicinal Use
















Spell Damage


Mag Regen


Spell Damage


Weapon Damage ( Berserker )
Front Bar


Double DoT Poison


Max Magicka
Back Bar
Monster Set
Balorgh – This monster set providers a massive amount of damage and penetration whenever you cast your ultimate ability. It’s particularly effective with builds that have either very cheap ultimates (to activate it often) or very expensive ultimates (to activate it at full force). On our Magicka Templar build, we have both. Our front-bar ultimate is very cheap and will guarantee a small spike of stats whenever you cast your Crescent Sweep to try and get a kill; and whenever you are facing a large group of enemies, you can build up to your Swarming Scion back-bar ultimate then activate Balorgh for a massive amount of stats.
Main Sets
Robes of the Hist (Hist Sap) – This is one of the strongest defensive sets available to us this patch. It grants a large amount of healing over five seconds whenever you are effected by a disabling, immobilizing or snaring effect, which happens pretty much all the time when you are outnumbered, and the set has no cooldown. While it’s not as cost efficient as sets like Pariah, it’s edge comes from the fact it can be one-barred, meaning we only use it on the front bar and as long as we make sure to get to the front bar at least once per five seconds, we will always benefit from it’s effect.
Clever Alchemist – This is one of the highest damage-value sets currently in the game. It has a very easy to control proc condition and can be timed perfectly with Balorgh to guarantee a very powerful peak burst. In addition this set increases our max Health which will increase our healing power via the new health-scaled healing mechanic.
Malacath’s Band of Brutality – This mythic item is super useful on this build despite the nerf it received this patch. As our critical chance is naturally low, Malacath guarantees all our abilities gain 16% more damage at the cost of our very unreliable critical strikes, which enhances our damage drastically.
Minor Set
Armor of the Trainee – We use one piece of this set on this build to increase our max Health to further increase our healing power.
Weights & Traits
Weights – This patch we use 3 pieces of Heavy Armor to gain tankiness, 3 pieces of Light Armor to offset the Heavy Armor penalties and gain a bit more damage and sustain, and 1 piece of Medium Armor for the Undaunted passives.
Sturdy & Impen – The main trait we use on this build is Sturdy, to allow us to mitigate damage via blocking without losing too much of our Stamina while we are outside of Mist Form. We also use one piece of Reinforced and two pieces of Impenetrable to further increase our resistances.
We use Clockwork Citrus Fillet since this one food gives us all: Max Health, Max Magicka and Magicka Recovery, and we benefit a ton from all three of these stats.
We use Spell Power Potions (made with Lady’s Smock, Corn Flower and either Water Hyacinth or Namira’s Rot) which grant us the very valuable Major Sorcery buff that we don’t have access to on this build otherwise.
We use Double DoT Poisons on our back-bar to help increase our pressure on enemies between our burst rotations.
Champion Points
Craft (0)
Warfare (520)
Fitness (542) Increases your damage done with area of effect attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage done
Increases your damage done with direct damage attacks by 2% per stage.
10% direct damage
Reduces your damage taken by single target attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Grants 132 Critical Resistance per stage.
660 Critical Resistance
Grants 160 Critical Chance per stage.
320 Critical Chance
Grants 260 Max Magicka per stage.
520 Max Magicka
Increases your Healing Done by 1% per stage.
2% Healing Done
Grants 260 Max Stamina per stage.
520 Max Stamina Extended Might
Grants 350 Offensive Penetration per stage.
700 Offensive Penetration Extended Might
Increases your chance to apply a Magical status effect by 30% per stage.
60% increased chance Extended Might
Increases your chance to apply a Martial status effect by 30% per stage.
60% increased chance Extended Might
Grants 100 Weapon and Spell Damage to Magical attacks.
Affects Magic, Flame, Frost, and Shock Damage.
Extended Might
Grants 100 Weapon and Spell Damage to Martial attacks.
Affects Physical, Poison, Disease, and Bleed Damage.
Increases your damage done with area of effect attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage done Staving Death
Increases your Healing Taken by 1% per stage.
2% Healing Taken Staving Death
Reduces the damage you take from Magical attacks by 1% per stage.
ffects Magic, Flame, Frost, and Shock Damage.
2% damage reduction Staving Death
Reduces the damage you take from Martial attacks by 1% per stage.
Affects Physical, Poison, Disease, and Bleed Damage.
2% damage reduction Staving Death
Grants 132 Critical Resistance per stage.
660 Critical Resistance Staving Death
Reduces your damage taken from non-player attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Reduces your damage taken by single target attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Increases your damage done with direct damage attacks by 2% per stage.
10% direct damage Grants 3 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery per stage.
150 Health, Magicka and Stamina Recovery
Grants 28 Max Health per stage.
1400 Max Health
While afflicted with a Status Effect, your core combat skills cost 5% less per stage.
25% cost reduction
While under the effects of Crowd Control Immunity, you take 2% less damage per stage.
10% damage reduction
Grants 28 Max Health per stage.
1400 Max Health
Grants 3 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery per stage.
150 Health, Magicka and Stamina Recovery
Reduces the cost of Roll Dodge by 120 Stamina per stage.
240 cost reduction
Reduces the cost of Break Free by 110 Stamina per stage.
220 cost reduction
While under the effects of Crowd Control Immunity, you take 2% less damage per stage.
10% damage reduction
Reduces the duration of Elemental Status Effects applied to you by 5% per stage.
25% reduced duration
Reduces the cost of Sprint by 20 Stamina per stage.
40 cost reduction
Increases your movement speed when Sprinting by 2% per stage.
4% Movement speed
Grants 280 Max Health per stage.
560 Max Health
Increases your Stealth Detection by 1 meter per stage.
3 meters
While afflicted with a Status Effect, your core combat skills cost 5% less per stage.
25% cost reduction
Return to life after resurrection with 5% more resources per stage.
10% more resources
Reduces the cost of Block by 20 Stamina per stage.
40 Block cost reduction
Increases the amount of damage you can block by 2% per stage.
4% Block mitigation
Increases your Movement Speed while Bracing by 3% per stage.
6% Movement speed
Reduces the cost of Bash by 45 Stamina per stage.
90 cost reduction
Increases your Bash damage by 60 per stage.
120 increased damage The Craft Champion Points as a whole do not effect combat much, and so they are completely up to your playstyle!
My personal recommendations and preferences (by order of importance):
Passive Stars
- Breakfall – This star will prove useful while kiting enemies off ledges such as keeps, towers and cliffs.
- Steadfast Enchantment – This passive will let you spend less soul gems on your weapons’ enchantments.
Active Stars
- Liquid Efficiency – This effect will help you save potions by consuming less of them while gaining their effects.
- Steed’s Blessing – The speed bonus you gain from this passive can help you at the start of the fight, before you get stuck in combat status.
- War Mount – Will make you much less likely to be dropped off of your mount and zerged or ganked down.
- Rationer – This star will save you some money when you go groceries shopping for your PvP build.
NirnStorm is a content creator on Twitch and on YouTube. He currently plays and streams mainly The Elder Scrolls Online, with a focus on end-game PvP, and occasionally some different games such as Witcher, Among Us, Apex Legends and many others!