Welcome to Nirnstorm.com‘s Stamina Sorcerer ( Stamsorc ) PvP Build for the Blackwood patch – “Crystallized Swing“.
This build was made and written by StaticWave – more information about the author at the bottom of the page.
The Crystallized Swing build utilizes several weapon damage boosting sets to amplify both damage and healing power. This allows us to deal serious burst damage on our opponents, while also being hard to kill.
If you’re looking for a build that can one-shot most players and kill tankier ones, while also being very tanky with high healing power, then you are in the right place!
The optimal race for this build is Imperial as it gives 6% cost reduction to all core combat abilities and regular abilities (including Ultimates). This allows us to stay in heavy armor without suffering too much cost increase, as well as going Vampire Stage 3 to get even more mitigation. Other alternatives such as Woodelf, Orc, or Nord are also good.
Mundus Stone
The optimal Mundus for this build is The Lover as it increases our penetration, allowing us to deal more damage to players with higher resistances. Other alternatives also work, such as Serpent, Warrior, or Lady.
Vampirism Stage 3 is the best choice for this build because it synergizes with Imperial’s cost reduction. However, it is also possible to play as a Mortal.
Vateshran’s Perfected Maul
Clever Alchemist’s One Handed & Shield
Dark Magic Sorcerer
All Passives
Daedric Summoning Sorcerer
All Passives
Storm Calling Sorcerer
All Passives
Medium Armor Armor
All Passives
Heavy Armor Armor
All Passives
Two Handed Weapons
All Passives
One Handed and Shield Weapons
All Passives
Vampire World
All Passives
Fighters Guild Guilds
Unlock only Slayer, Banish the Wicked and Skilled Tracker.
Undaunted Guilds
All Passives
Assault Alliance War
All Passives
Racial Character
All Passives
Alchemy Crafting
Unlock only Medicinal Use

Well Fitted


Well Fitted




Well Fitted


Well Fitted


Well Fitted


Well Fitted



Weapon Damage


Weapon Damage


Weapon Damage


Berserk (Weapon Damage)
Front Bar


Escapist’s Poison


Back Bar
Monster Helm
Balorgh – We are using 1-piece Balorgh for the extra weapon damage. However other 1-piece monster sets can work as well.
Main Sets
Ravager – Ravager is one of the highest Weapon Damage boosting sets in the game, giving us 584 Weapon Damage when fully procced. Due to its inconvenient proc condition, most people do not bother using it in PvP. However, the set synergizes extremely well with Razor Caltrops, guaranteeing at least 50% uptime for 4x stacks, and 100% for regular stacks. It also boosts our max Health, which is crucial for survival in this one-shot meta.
Clever Alchemist – This is one of the best back-bar-able Weapon Damage boosting set in the game. It gives us 675 Weapon Damage when procced and 2 lines of max Health. These stats are very attractive and allow us to survive incoming burst damage, while giving a tremendous boost in Weapon Damage for our burst combos.
Mythic Item
Malacath – Despite the nerf, Malacath is still mandatory on a Stamina Sorcerer because the class lacks critical damage & critical chance passives. You would have to seriously invest into critical chance & critical damage to outperform Malacath, which makes you very squishy in a real fight. Therefore, it is better to use Malacath for consistent damage while being as tanky as possible.
If you do not have Malacath though, then simply use a 2nd piece of Balorgh for the extra Weapon Damage and Penetration.
Arena Set
Vateshran’s Perfected Two Handed – This is arguably one of the best set you can use on a Stamina Sorcerer because it synergizes extremely well with our main burst ability – Crystal Weapon. Moreover, we get a boost to Weapon Damage which increases our healing on both bars.
If you do not have this set, then simply use an Agility Two Handed Maul for the extra Stamina.
Weights & Traits
Medium & Heavy Armor – We are in 6 heavy & 1 medium because we are trying to benefit from heavy armor passives which give us Health, Magicka recovery, resistances, and healing received. The Heavy Armor Bonus also makes us tankier against stamina players. The extra Health and resistances allow us to use 2 damage sets and benefit from better survivability.
Well Fitted & Reinforced – We are in 6 well fitted & 1 reinforced because roll dodging is still the best form of damage mitigation vs single target damage. The nerf to critical damage mitigation forces us to seriously invest into it if we want to mitigate critical damage, so well fitted is the more attractive option. We use reinforced on the chest as it gives the most resistances and can often push us to the next 660 armor threshold, giving us that extra 1% damage mitigation.
Lava Foot Soup-And-Saltrice
We use Lava Foot Soup-And-Saltrice to get as much Stamina Recovery as possible, while retaining Max Health from Imperial & Heavy Armor passives, as well as allocating attribute points into HP. Artaeum Take Away Broth is a good alternative as well if you want more max HP.
Our magicka sustain is plentiful in Heavy Armor, so we are using Physical Resistance Potions (Columbine, Mountain Flower, Beetle Scuttle) to boost our survivability against stamina players.
We can also use Immovable Potions (Columbine, Mountain Flower, Wormwood) to give us CC immunity when performing our burst combos.
We use Escapist Poisons because it gives us CC immunity and immobilizes our opponent when procced. This allows us to stay on the offense for longer and helps with landing our abilities.
Champion Points
Craft (0)
Warfare (520)
Fitness (542) Increase your damage done with single target attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage done
Increases your damage done with direct damage attacks by 2% per stage.
10% direct damage
Reduces your damage taken by single target attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Reduces your damage taken by area of effect attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Grants 160 Critical Chance per stage.
320 Critical Chance
Grants 260 Max Magicka per stage.
520 Max Magicka
Increases your Healing Done by 1% per stage.
2% Healing Done
Grants 260 Max Stamina per stage.
520 Max Stamina Extended Might
Grants 350 Offensive Penetration per stage.
700 Offensive Penetration Extended Might
Increases your chance to apply a Magical status effect by 30% per stage.
60% increased chance Extended Might
Increases your chance to apply a Martial status effect by 30% per stage.
60% increased chance Extended Might
Grants 100 Weapon and Spell Damage to Magical attacks.
Affects Magic, Flame, Frost, and Shock Damage.
Extended Might
Grants 100 Weapon and Spell Damage to Martial attacks.
Affects Physical, Poison, Disease, and Bleed Damage.
Increase your damage done with single target attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage done Staving Death
Increases your Healing Taken by 1% per stage.
2% Healing Taken Staving Death
Reduces the damage you take from Magical attacks by 1% per stage.
ffects Magic, Flame, Frost, and Shock Damage.
2% damage reduction Staving Death
Reduces the damage you take from Martial attacks by 1% per stage.
Affects Physical, Poison, Disease, and Bleed Damage.
2% damage reduction Staving Death
Reduces your damage taken from non-player attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Reduces your damage taken by single target attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Reduces your damage taken by area of effect attacks by 2% per stage.
10% damage reduction
Increases your damage done with direct damage attacks by 2% per stage.
10% direct damage Grants 34.6 Armor per stage.
1730 Armor
While afflicted with a Status Effect, your core combat skills cost 5% less per stage.
25% cost reduction
Grants 3 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery per stage.
150 Health, Magicka and Stamina Recovery
While under the effects of Crowd Control Immunity, you take 2% less damage per stage.
10% damage reduction
Grants 34.6 Armor per stage.
1730 Armor
Grants 3 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery per stage.
150 Health, Magicka and Stamina Recovery
Reduces the cost of Roll Dodge by 120 Stamina per stage.
240 cost reduction
Reduces the cost of Break Free by 110 Stamina per stage.
220 cost reduction
While under the effects of Crowd Control Immunity, you take 2% less damage per stage.
10% damage reduction
Reduces the duration of Elemental Status Effects applied to you by 5% per stage.
25% reduced duration
Reduces the cost of Sprint by 20 Stamina per stage.
40 cost reduction
Increases your movement speed when Sprinting by 2% per stage.
4% Movement speed
Grants 280 Max Health per stage.
560 Max Health
Increases your Stealth Detection by 1 meter per stage.
3 meters
While afflicted with a Status Effect, your core combat skills cost 5% less per stage.
25% cost reduction
Return to life after resurrection with 5% more resources per stage.
10% more resources
Reduces the cost of Block by 20 Stamina per stage.
40 Block cost reduction
Increases the amount of damage you can block by 2% per stage.
4% Block mitigation
Increases your Movement Speed while Bracing by 3% per stage.
6% Movement speed
Reduces the cost of Bash by 45 Stamina per stage.
90 cost reduction
Increases your Bash damage by 60 per stage.
120 increased damage The Craft CP tree doesn’t affect combat directly, and is entirely up for each player to set up for their own playstyle.
StaticWave is a content creator on Twitch and Youtube. His main focus in ESO is openworld 1vX and small-scale. He is also an experienced duelist and a big supporter of the dueling community. While he plays every stamina class and a few magicka ones, Stamina Sorcerer is what he enjoys playing the most. Occasionally, he will host dueling events for everyone to participate, so if you are interested be sure to check them out in his discord channel!